Who We Are

Established on July 7, 1990, SEDAEPO is a non-governmental organization committed to the holistic betterment of the socio-economic conditions of the landless, poor, destitute, and downtrodden people of Bangladesh. Our organization operates under the full name “Socio-economic Development and Environmental Protection Organization,” reflecting our dual commitment to community development and environmental stewardship.

What We Do

Resilience in the Face of Nature’s Wrath: Coping with Natural Disasters...

Bangladesh, a country nestled in the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers, is renowned for its lush landscapes and vibrant culture. However,...

Embracing Warmth: Winter Clothing Distribution Warms Hearts in the Cold

As winter blankets the world in a cold embrace, the harsh conditions can be especially challenging for those less fortunate. Recognizing the pressing need...

Nourishing Hope: A Glimpse into Food Distribution Initiatives Among the Impoverished...

In the heart of South Asia, where the vibrant culture of Bangladesh meets the stark reality of poverty, a beacon of hope emerges through...

Feed The Hungry

Hunger doesn't discriminate, but neither does our kindness. Every rumble of an empty stomach is a call to action. Let's fill plates, not waste, and watch smiles replace sorrow. Together, we can be the nourishment that changes lives. By joining hands, sharing meals, and building bridges of food, we build a world where no neighbor suffers from an empty bowl.

Sharing Blessings: Food Distribution Among Needy People in Pirojpur District

Project Summary: SEDAEPO has given food to underprivileged communities in Pirojpur district, Bangladesh, by distributing food packs to...

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